CORE REVIEW – Volunteers for Public Trust and Confidence
President’s Message: Website Update
05/31/2018The National Association for Court Management (NACM) and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) have partnered to offer a membership discount to court managers, judges, and other court leaders to assist them with their professional development and growth by providing a reduced rate to join each association.
“The NACM Board values partnerships with national and state court associations. These partnerships provide an opportunity for each association to learn and grow and to share benefits received with its members. On behalf of the NACM Board, we are pleased to establish a Partnership Agreement for Dual Membership Discount with NCJFCJ. We look forward to ongoing collaboration between the associations,” said Vicky Carlson, NACM President.
You can find a copy of the Dual Membership Agreements here.