
Tina Mattison
Pima County Consolidated Justice Courts
240 N Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701
Tina M. Mattison is the Deputy Court Administrator of the Pima County Superior Court in Tucson, Arizona, serving as the Deputy Court Administrator for the Consolidated Justice Courts. Previously, she served as the Deputy Court Administrator for Pima County’s Juvenile Court from 2015-2022 and worked for both Riverside and Orange County Superior Courts in California from 1988-2015.
Ms. Mattison holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from California State University, Fullerton and is a 2011 Graduate Fellow of the Institute for Court Management’s Court Executive Development Program. During her tenure with the courts, she has led numerous successful improvement projects, including caseflow management revisions, strategic planning, vicarious trauma training for staff, and the use of evidence-based practices in juvenile probation. Additionally, she has served on numerous state and national court management committees addressing the use of technology in the courts, courthouse security, and the professional development of court managers.
Ms. Mattison is currently the President for the National Association for Court Management. Ms. Mattison is certified faculty for the Institute for Court Management’s Operations Management course and is a contributing editor to the National Center for State Court’s annual report Trends in State Courts.

Kelly Hutton
Northeast and Northeast Central Judicial Districts
124 South 4th Street
Grand Forks, ND 58201 > Read Biography
Kelly Hutton has worked for the North Dakota Court System since January 2007 and is currently the Court Administrator for Unit 1 which is comprised of two judicial districts with a total of 13 counties and 12 judges. She has served on local committees and assisted in the implementation of many projects in North Dakota. Kelly currently serves on the ND Caseflow Management Committee, the ND Minority Justice Implementation Committee, and the dashboard sub-group of the caseflow committee, which assisted in the creation implementation, and now updates of the judicial dashboard that is utilized across the state by judges, clerks, staff attorneys and court administrators.
Kelly has served on the NACM Board of Directors since 2019. She is currently the chair of the Conference Development Committee. Kelly has played an integral role in the creation, roll-out, and maintenance of the NACM CORE® Champion Program. Additionally, she has taught caseflow management, accountability and court performance, and operations management across the country.
In 2015, Kelly completed the Court Management Program and in 2017 completed her ICM Fellowship through the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). Kelly holds a B.A. in Legal Studies from Hamline University and obtained her Master's in Public Administration from the University of North Dakota in 2021.

Greg Lambard
Superior Court of NJ - Middlesex Vicinage
56 Paterson St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2691
Greg Lambard began his career with the State of New Jersey in 1991 after obtaining a BA in Criminal Justice from the University of Maryland and a MA in Criminal Justice from Rutgers University. He has served in the State Judiciary in various administrative roles and as a researcher/statistician. Additionally, he served two years in the New Jersey Governor’s Office, as Special Assistant to the State’s Chief Information Officer.
He has managed criminal courts, family courts, operations, and probation. He currently serves as the Trial Court Administrator for the Middlesex County Superior Court in New Jersey. He is a Past President of the Mid-Atlantic Association for Court Management and sat for two terms as a Director on the Board of the National Association for Court Management (NACM). Currently, he is the Secretary/Treasurer for NACM. He is a past member of the Advisory Committee to the National Center for State Courts’ (NCSC), Pretrial Justice and the State Courts Initiative, a past member of the National Judicial Opioid Task Force, a current member of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ DV Aware Taskforce, and a current member of the NCSC Court Consulting Services Division Advisory Council. He is also an Institute for Court Management certified instructor for caseflow and workflow management.

Roger Rand
Multnomah Circuit Court
1200 SW 1st Avenue, Room 01407
Porland, OR 97204
Roger Rand attended his first NACM conference at the 2009 midyear in Portland, Oregon. A conversation on Ethics caught his attention and he learned how much NACM has to offer. He joined the NACM Board of Directors in 2021 and was selected as the NACM Secretary/Treasurer in 2024.
Roger Rand is a member of the Multnomah Circuit Court management team in Portland, Oregon where he has worked for 30 years. He manages an Information Technology team of 27 professionals in the 4 service areas of Desktop Support, Specialized IT Services, IT Design and Development, and Training and Data Analysis. Roger was appointed as a NACM representative to the Joint Technology Committee in 2018. In 2024 he was appointed as the NACM representative on the Global Advisory Committee. Roger worked as a member of the 2019 JTC workgroup on AI that resulted in a publication Introduction to AI for the Courts that was revised this year. Roger and the JTC Co-Chairs with the support of NCSC led a multi-association collaborative effort to produce the NACM AI Guide, Courting AI: Understanding Artificial Intelligence in Courts.

Rick Pierce
Administrative Office of the Courts
601 Commonwealth Ave., Ste. 1500
Harrisburg, PA 17106-1260
Rick Pierce, Judicial Programs Administrator of the Judicial District Operations and Programs Department, has served in the field of court administration for the past twenty-nine years. Prior to his appointment at the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, Pierce was the district court administrator for Cumberland County. Prior to his 4 ½ year tenure as court administrator, Pierce was the assistant administrator for the 9th judicial district from 1988-1997.
As judicial programs administrator, he is responsible for implementation of programs and education in court administration at the general and limited jurisdiction court levels.
Pierce served as the President for the Mid-Atlantic Association for Court Management for 2005-2006. Previously he has served on the MAACM advisory board from 1997-2005.
A graduate from Washington and Lee University, Pierce received his Masters in Public Administration from Shippensburg University in 1995. He has been an active member of the Pennsylvania Association of Court Management, (PACM) since its inception in 1989. He has served as a board member from 1994-2001, culminating in his presidency in 2000-2001.

Courtney Whiteside
2024 - 2027
St. Louis County Municipal Court
4544 Lemay Ferry Road
St. Louis, MO 63129
Courtney Whiteside is a Certified Court Manager through the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and serves as Director of the St. Louis County Municipal Court. After graduating college from Lindenwood University with a degree in Sport Management, Courtney found herself in public service in the 11th Judicial Circuit in her hometown of St. Charles, Missouri and served in Management Analyst in the Missouri Office of State Courts Administrator. After serving as the Missouri Supreme Court’s Municipal Court Monitor, she joined the St. Louis County leadership team in July 2019 with a focus on reimagining the administration of justice in municipal courts and public perception and education about courts.
Courtney serves as the President of the St. Louis Metropolitan Association for Court Administration (MSLACA), Director on the board for the National Association for Court Management (NACM), Co-Chair for the NACM Governance Committee, Chairperson of the NACM Ethics Sub-Committee, member of the International Association for Court Administration (IACA), certified national instructor on case management practices through NCSC, committee member for the Municipal Clerk Education Committee (MCEC), and partners with various other state and national committees and judicial partners on projects and initiatives.
When not in the courthouse, Courtney can be found with the other loves of her life, her family, and the soccer pitch. Playing, watching, or coaching soccer and cheering on Manchester United, STL Cardinals, KC Chiefs, STL City, and KC Current with her family and friends is time well spent.

Creadell Webb
First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
City Hall, Room 359
1400 JFK Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Creadell Webb is the Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Officer for the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania (FJD). He is a highly experienced and accomplished professional with a proven track record of success in creating inclusive work environments.
Mr. Webb held a variety of positions at the FJD, including judicial law clerk, manager, and deputy chief. In those roles, he demonstrated his ability to lead and motivate teams, draft legal documents, and manage complex projects. He is also a skilled trainer and educator who has conducted numerous Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and educational training programs on DEI.
Mr. Webb earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Howard University and a Juris Doctorate from The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. He is licensed to practice law in Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Mr. Webb is a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) certified professional and holds a “Diversity and Inclusion” certificate from Cornell University’s online program. He is passionate about creating a more just and equitable society. He is a strong advocate for equity in the court system, the legal world, and society.

Dawn Palermo
2022 - 2025
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Courtt
PO Box 1900
Harvey, LA 70059 > Read Biography
Dawn A. Palermo is the Judicial Administrator for the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court in Harvey, Louisiana. She has held this position since 2004. In this capacity, she oversees all court programs, employees and finances, negotiates and monitors all contracts and drafts all funding proposals. Ms. Palermo is also currently serving as a board member for the Louisiana Court Administrators Association (LCAA). She is the current columnist for the Courtside Conversation for the National Association of Court Management (NACM). She is a past board member and Communications Committee Chair for NACM. She has also authored the NACM CORE curriculum for budget and financial management.
Prior to her appointment as the Judicial Administrator, Ms. Palermo served as the Deputy Judicial Administrator for Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court from 1999-2004, the Drug Court Administrator for the Adult Drug Court at the 24th Judicial District Court from 1997-1999, a Management Analyst with the Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority from 1995-1997, and as a Liaison to the Louisiana Legislature for Jefferson Parish. Ms. Palermo started both the Jefferson Parish Adult and Juvenile Drug Courts and served on the steering committee to start Jefferson Parish School Based Health Centers. She served as the President of Louisiana Court Administrators Association from 2012 to 2013 and as treasurer and a board member for Louisiana Drug Court Professionals. She was one of the founding members of Louisiana Drug Court Professionals. She also was a founding member and served on the Jefferson Chamber Foundation Academy Board.
Ms. Palermo received a Bachelor’s of Science in Business and Public Administration from Louisiana State University and a Master’s of Public Administration from the University of New Orleans. She is also certified as a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and a SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP). She resides with her husband and daughter in Metairie.

Jeff Chapple
2024 - 2025
City of O'Fallon, Missouri
1019 Bryan Road
O'Fallon MO 63366 > Read Biography
Jeff Chapple has worked for the O’Fallon Municipal Court since February 2004 and is currently the Court Administrator for O’Fallon, Lake Saint Louis, and Weldon Spring Missouri. He has served his state association through Presidency and is an active Past President of the association. Jeff also serves on the Missouri Courts Implementation Task Team Committee for the statewide case management system.
Jeff has served two previous director terms for the NACM Board of Directors 2015-2018 and 2019-2022. He served as the Membership Committee Chair and the Communications Committee Chair during those terms. He continues to serve on the Conference Development Committee, and CORE Committee.
In 2016, Jeff completed the Court Management Program earning his CCM from the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). Jeff Holds a BA from University of Missouri and an MBA from Lindenwood University.

Kristie Collier
2022 - 2025
Maricopa County Justice Courts
222 N. Central Ave., Suite 210
Phoenix, AZ 85004 > Read Biography
Ms. Kristie Collier currently serves as Court Administrator of the Maricopa County Justice Courts.
Prior to her work with the Administrative Office of the Courts, Kristie has served as a successful court leader in Georgia since 2010. Serving in Municipal/Recorders, Juvenile, State and Superior Courts. Holding the roles of Court Administrator, Clerk of Court, Chief Deputy Clerk or Legal Assistant.
In 2021, Kristie was awarded Mentor of Year, and her court received the Program of the Year from the Georgia Municipal Court Clerks Council. For her creation of the Community Resource Center, where she restored a vacant office, added law books and court forms from the county courts and opened the center for constituents use. The center also worked with the local bar associations to have volunteer attorneys offer free thirty-minute sessions to residents once a month. From 2022 to 2023, she served as President of the Georgia Municipal Court Clerks Council after having served four years on the board in various capacities. She is an active member of the Georgia Council of Court Administrators and holds a Certificate of Court Administration from the organization.
Ms. Collier holds a Bachelor in early childhood education from South Carolina State University, a second Bachelor in Administrative Management and Paralegal certification from Clayton State University and a Master of Business Administration with a HR concentration from Ashford University. She is the very proud mother of two daughters, the oldest a News Reporter in Davenport Iowa and the youngest a junior Architect major and Cheerleader at North Carolina State University.
Kristie has served on the Board of Directors since 2023 and currently serves as chair of the Membership Committee.

Melinda Brooks
2024 - 2027
Franklin County Municipal Court
375 S. High St., 6th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Coming Soon!

Nathaniel Mingo
Riverdale Municipal Court
7200 Church Street
Riverdale, GA 30274
Nathaniel Mingo has been the Court Services Director for the City of Riverdale Municipal Court since 2006. Mr. Mingo oversees the Clerk of Court, Probation Departments, and Court Administration in that capacity. Before that appointment, Mr. Mingo served as court docket coordinator for the Fulton County Superior Court Clerks' office. Mr. Mingo is also active in his state association, where he has served as President and is currently serving the association as a board member.
Mr. Mingo holds a B.A. in interdisciplinary studies with concentrations in law and sociology, and he has also obtained a Master's Degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Management and Finance.

Nicole Zoe García
Superior Court in Maricopa County
201 W Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Nicole Zoe García is the Criminal Department Administrator for the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County, appointed in April 2021. As Administrator, Nicole oversees all criminal court operations for the Superior Court, which is the 4th largest trial court in the country. Prior to that, Nicole served as the Director of Jury Services for Superior Court in Maricopa County from 2017-2021. She has also served in various other capacities in the Court, including in the Court Interpreter's Office and Judge Pro Tempore Administration.
Nicole has served with the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County for more than 17 years and holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Arizona and a Master of Public Administration from Arizona State University. She is also a 2014 Graduate Fellow of the Institute for Court Management.
Additionally, Nicole has contributed to statewide recommendations for jury operations and COVID court operations, through the Arizona Jury Task Force and the COVID-19 Continuity of Court Operations Workgroup. She also recently served on an Arizona Supreme Court task force to evaluate the use of the Public Safety Assessment tool in Arizona courts.
Nicole has been a member of NACM since 2017 and has served on the Governance committee since 2017, as well as the DEI committee since 2021.
The Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County is the fourth largest trial court system in the country, having more than 150 judicial officers. The court has jurisdiction over all felony cases committed in Maricopa County.
The Criminal Department is the largest department within the court. The department works in collaboration with other criminal justice agencies to efficiently resolve cases in a just manner, respecting the rights of defendants, victims, and the community.

Whitney Blighton
2024 - 2027
Clark County Superior Court
1200 Franklin St.
Vancouver, WA 98660-2812
Whitney R. Blighton, a seasoned professional with over two decades of public service experience, stands out as an energetic and self-motivated leader. Her track record of delivering desired outcomes in rapidly evolving environments spans across multiple states, including Washington, North Carolina, and Florida.
Education and Certifications
* Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from Western Governor’s University
* Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences with a focus on Nutrition from Oregon State University
* Certified Court Manager recognized by the National Association for Court Managers
* NACM Core Champion for her exceptional contributions to court management
Professional Journey
Whitney currently serves as a Senior Management Analyst at Clark County Superior Court. Her responsibilities encompass complex tasks related to court operations, including budgeting, financial planning, and organizational analysis. Notably, she oversees substantial grant funds and manages a significant operating budget. Whitney’s ability to gather and analyze information, devise innovative solutions, and provide strategic recommendations has been instrumental in the court’s success.
Community Engagement
Whitney’s impact extends beyond her professional roles. She currently serves as one of ten board directors, embarking on a three-year term. In this capacity, she holds the position of Vice-Chair on the Membership committee and also contributes to the social media sub-committee as the secretary. Whitney’s collaborative spirit makes her a go-to person for community collaboration and project development.