CORE Update 2022
03/31/2022President’s Message July 2022
07/25/2022Hello everyone! The CORE Subcommittee continues to meet monthly on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 3pm ET. Core® Subcommittee – National Association for Court Management ( If you would like to receive an email reminder, please send me your name, court and email address and I will get you on the list.
We are excited to continue to promote the CORE Champion program with FIVE sessions being offered during the upcoming conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin July 10-14, 2022. The following sessions will be available both in-person and virtually:
CORE Workforce Management 1 and 2; CORE Operations Management; CORE Educational Development; and CORE Shared Interest Group on Strategic Visioning and Planning
See 2022 Annual Conference – National Association for Court Management ( for more information on how to register.
Please click here if you would like more information regarding the CORE Champion program.
Finally, I would like to extend a thank you to Marcus Reinkensmeyer and Ray Billotte from my home state of Arizona for working on the Court Governance curriculum. We are just putting some finishing touches and it should be posted soon.