2023 Midyear Conference
11/14/2022CORE® Update – November 2022
The 2022 annual conference theme is Courts Leading the Way in Advancing Justice: A Call to Action (Milwaukee, WI). This theme will focus on the important concept that justice reform must come from within courts across the globe. Courts and court leaders must take charge of leading the way to advancing justice. Courts must envision how they can improve fairness and efficiency in the future. The Judiciary needs to lead the call to action in advancing justice and transforming their future
This conference will emphasize the common topics of agile leadership as well as diversity and inclusion. Attendees will be given a tutorial on how to bounce back better than ever. Current world events are exposing racial inequalities and the realization that public trust and confidence in our courts has been shaken. We will explore new court roles for creating a more equitable landscape.
Paul Krismer, our opening keynote speaker, will explain how happiness and positivity lead to success.
Annual Conference 2022
- Registration
- Attendees
- Agenda
- Health and Safety
- Exhibit/Sponsor Information
- Conference Sponsors
- Host
Online registration is now closed.
Registration Type | Registration Cost | Registration Deadline |
Member Early Bird | $585 | On or before April 29, 2022 |
Member Regular | $685 | April 30 - June 17, 202 |
Member Onsite | $735 | June 18, 2022 - Onsite |
ECP Early Bird | $545 | On or before April 29, 2022 |
ECP Regular | $585 | April 30, 2022 - Onsite |
Member Live Stream | $250 | |
Non-member Early Bird | $710 | On or before April 29, 2022 |
Non-member Regular | $810 | Non-member Regular |
Non-member Onsite | $860 | June 18, 2022 - Onsite |
Non-member Live Stream | $325 |
For a paper registration form click here. Please complete the registration form and COVID waiver and email both to conferences@ncsc.org.
For groups of 10 or more, contact Conference Services.
The hotel reservation link will be sent in your registration confirmation email. The hotel room block is available until Friday, June 17 or until the block is full. You will not be able to book your hotel sleeping room without being registered for the conference.
Cancellation Policy
For issues with registration, please contact Conference Services at 1-888-609-4023 or email conferences@ncsc.org.

The Wisconsin Center
400 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53203

Hilton Milwaukee City Center
509 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Conference Rate: $179 + Tax available until Friday, June 17, 2022 or until the block is full.

Hyatt Regency Milwaukee
333 West Kilbourne Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Conference Rate: $169 + Tax available until Friday, June 17, 2022 or until the block is full.
Live Stream Agenda
This year's Tuesday night social event will be an experience at the Harley-Davidson Museum!
CLE Form
The CLE Form will be posted soon. Send your completed CLE form to conferences@ncsc.org. CLE Forms must be submitted within 90 days after the end of the Annual Conference.
COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for attending the 2022 Annual Conference:
- During registration you will be asked to acknowledge NACM’s COVID-19 waiver.
- If you are sick before leaving for the conference, please stay home. Contact conferences@ncsc.org and we will transfer your registration to the live stream.
- If you do not feel well and are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 while at the conference, we ask that you quarantine in your room and immediately notify Valerie at vgardner@ncsc.org so that we may assist you in locating appropriate medical treatment nearby.
Exhibit/Sponsor Information
The exhibit show is sold out. Contact Stacey Smith to be placed on a wait list.
July 10-14, 2022 * Show Date: July 13 The Wisconsin Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin Exhibits held in Ballroom CD
View Floorplan
The Service Kit will be sent to registered exhibitors beginning of June. The package will include order forms for furnishings, power, and any other services required. Reference below for what is/is not included in booth package. Booth (8x10) Fee: $4,000 (by June 3); $4,300 (June 4 and after) BOOTH FEE INCLUDES:
- 8x10 booth space
- 8’ High Back Drape
- 3’ High Side Drape
- 7x44 Company ID Sign
- Wireless Internet
- Four on-site Exhibit Staff Badges
- Electronic Pre- and Post-Show Attendee Lists (e-mail & phone numbers not included)
- Carpeted Exhibit Hall
- Furnishings (i.e., table, chairs, etc.)
- Power
- Dedicated Wi-Fi Service
- Any other special items
- Lead Retrieval not offered
IF YOU RECEIVE MESSAGES FROM ANY SERVICE PROVIDER As a reminder – companies that call or email you indicating they have special hotel rates available for the show are “pirate housing companies” and DO NOT represent NACM or the hotel. If you are contacted, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT use their services. No legitimate hotel will ever contact you directly asking you to make reservations. You may also receive calls or emails from companies soliciting the sale of the attendee list. NACM does not sell the attendee list. For questions, please contact Stacey Smith, Exhibit Manager, at (757) 259-1816.