President Will Simmons’ Message – July 2019
07/25/2019President Will Simmons’ Message – March 2020
Greetings NACM!
The National Association for Court Management (NACM) has several progressive on-going projects that advance the profession. This is due to the help and support of our members, partners, and sponsors. Educating court professionals is our highest priority. NACM achieves this through our publications, webinars, podcasts, resources, conferences, and outreach initiatives.
NACM’s Midyear Conference will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, February 9 – 11, 2020. The conference theme is (Inter) Connected Courts: Ensuring Justice in Our Communities. A full description of the conference agenda and registration may be found at nacmconference.org.
NACM’s Annual Conference will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, July 12 – 16, 2020. The conference theme is (Intra) Connected Courts: Expanding Justice in Our Communities.
Our 2020 conferences will focus on the following themes:
~ Community Collaborations – community-based initiatives such as legal clinics, amnesty programs, criminal justice forums, community engagement, etc.
~ Civics & Outreach – court involvement in programs such as Law Day and awareness events, civic group presentations, educational programs on the role of the courts, etc.
~ Expanded Public Access – legal assistance, self-help programs, online programs and services, user-centered design of services and facilities, etc.
~ Creative Uses of Technology & Social Media – podcasts, webinars, community and constituent outreach efforts, online and web-based programs, etc.
~ Innovative Uses of Data – new uses of court data through data visualization, public access, collaborative data sharing, National Open Court Data Standards, court component model, etc.
~ Promoting Employee Engagement – training and skills development aimed at creating mindful court staff, developing leaders to be part of their community, ensuring inclusivity and diversity, etc.
~ Community-Based Programs & Services – accountability courts, community-based supervision, access to health and other services, etc.
~ Civil, Juvenile & Criminal Justice Reform – engaging in community and national dialogue on the role of the courts to address systemic issues in access to justice and treatment of different groups who interact with the judicial system.
NACM is a successful association because of our engaged members. I encourage you to get involved by serving on one of our many committees. Your input and participation is needed. Each member brings a different perspective to the conversation and that collective brain trust is what continues to move NACM forward and into the future. Please visit the NACM Committee page. We look forward to seeing you soon. Please join us!
Will Simmons, President