Released on Tuesday, October 5, 2021.
A cyberattack is truly a different kind of threat, but that threat is real and growing. It takes a different kind of approach to defend against such an attack. Different questions need to be asked well before an attack occurs. Cybersecurity experts advise that having responses to these questions is essential to effectively preparing for and responding to an attack. In this episode we are talking to several court professionals who have endured a cyberattack on their court. We will be exploring questions on how to prepare your court to defend against an attack:
- What questions do you need to ask your IT professionals?
- How do you convince a funding body to spend the needed resources on cybersecurity?
- Do you have a realistic plan to conduct court business without your case management system or even computers for weeks possibly even months?
- How can you effectively train staff to respond to a cyberattack?
- Does your Continuity of Operations Plan (your COOP) even address the implications of a cyberattack?
Our panel today includes:
- Kevin Bowling, Court Administrator for the 20th Circuit Court in Ottawa County, Michigan Kevin is also co-chair of the National Center for State Courts’ Joint Technology Committee and has helped develop three resource bulletins to assist court managers with handling cyberattacks
- Julie Hidy, Court Administrator for the Probate Court in Fayette County, Ohio
- Casey Kennedy, Director for the Office of Court Information Services at the Office of State Court Administration in Austin, Texas
- Jorge Basto, Director of IT Programs for the Cherokee County Clerk of Courts in Canton, Georgia
- Montrella Jackson, Court Administrator for the Akron Municipal Court, in Akron, Ohio.
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